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M.U.G.E.N said:
Dgc1808 said:
I can't wait to see two really skilled players go 1v1 with Dante and Kratos. Both are mid range melee characters with huge combo potential and some long range options (Dante's Ebony and Ivory meets Kratos' Bow of Apollo).

We can finally get the Dante vs Kratos argument resolved. Lol.

hahah awwww yeah...the ultimate showdown. I think this will be a great match the beta, I LOVE playing as kratos. His move set is so damn diverse. His shield and spear should be a great answer to the brrage of bullets from dante as well. As for air combat, kratos can use his blades to either drag them to you or drag yourself to them (I am pretty sure you can do both)...would be fun to see dante doing an arial attack and kratos trying to drag him down


this game will be insane!

lol thanks leatherhat...this vita brotherhood shall prevail! KZ, Ragnarok, Soul Sacrifice, QForce etc etc. Good co op times ahead

oh and

ok so I'm gonna say this...that environment shown, looks more colorful and vibrant than any kz enviornment to date...including the Kaznan Jungle (worse case scenario it will be a tie with kaznan) 

This, I actually feel like the war is IN a city..makes me think of Tokyo actually..a futuristic version

Damn! That looks really fine! I'm not really into FPS (aside from counter strike back in the day) but that just looks so good that theres an 80% chance that I might pick that game up (the 20% chance of me not picking it up will be base on price)

Also, whats up with the PSN update?

What is Hakuoki Demon of the Fleeting Blossom and SUSUME Tactics? Plus MLB 2k12? really? Why dont they update with say Sega collection, the two capcom collections, the atari collection, VC 2, etc etc. WTF are they thinking?

Hakuoki I believe is some form of text heavy adventure game which probably wont sell well in the west. damn!

But at least there's one good news and thats Blaze Blue Continuum Shift Vita, now $24.99 from $34.99! Cool! I've been meaning to try this fighting game franchise and this might just be the game to get me started