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Kasz216 said:
spaceguy said:
Kasz216 said:
Tigerlure said:
Allfreedom99 said:
Tigerlure said:
I'll keep my reply short and relevant to OP. I think Paul Ryan is a smart guy. However, I think he also costs Romney Florida, and by consequence, the election.

If the Democrat campaign can successfully depict Ryan as a "killer of seniors", and "destorying their security", and majority of voters in florida believe that then yes Romney-Ryan will lose it for sure.

Funny part is Paul Ryan's mother is actually a senior aged 78 living in Florida on Medicare. So its still pretty hard to paint him as someone who "could care less about the elderly." Interesting enough the plan he was advocating in congress made no changes to medicare for those who are aged 55 and older. People younger than that then get more choices on their future benefits/securities instead of automatically forced into the government medicare plan.

It will be interesting to watch what happens.

I think it's been well documented that Ryan's bill is unpopular to the general electorate. I think it's hard to argue that his plan is serious when it does balance the budget until around 2030 at the earliest. Imagine how much his vouchers will be worth then due to rising healthcare costs. I won't say he is wrong for attempting to deal with the problem. But surely we can find a more serious and realistic approach to strengthen Medicare for the future.

I don't know,  Erksine Bowles seems to like it... and he was Bill Clintons Chief of Staff. (So a Democrat.) 


Dude ryan's plan puts us in debt for the next 30 yrs. SInce I can't debate with you because you are now a moderator that can go and ban and basically be as biased as you want. You asked for links. I will post none stop links. I will keep them coming. The point you claim to be in the middle is a joke. You watch CNN the same news sorce that said obama was in a punk nazi rock band. SO its links you want. I'm glad you got moderation status. I will just not comment, all links. Peace to the person who deserves a moderate position the least.  You are going to post non stop fanatic right wing news, go ahead. I can post too!!

The Former Democratic Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton is a Right Wing news source? 

What about the Huff Post?   That's not a rightwing news source right?


The Ryan plan puts us in debt for 30 years....   The plans proposede by Obama and Biden put us in debt for much much longer.

So I don't really see the point.

Outside that the Ryan plan puts us in much less debt.


Also... I think you posted the wrong News Article... because that one paints Paul Ryan as a hard working, put down opon guy who is polite, only talks about facts, never plays dirty politics and who's greatest weakness is that he actually wants to put out ideas rather then just critisize.

While it Charactizes the Whitehouse administration as twofaced and unwilling to compromise/discuss policy even after saying they would and specifically luring him to a speech to put him in the front row just so he could chastise him upfront and on camera.

Whie Ryan himeslf removed controversial aspects after hearings with his fellow congressmen.

I mean, you may not agree with his positions, but that article makes Paul Ryan seem like one of the few honest straight foward men in Congress.

I guess he can be my example now that Good Old Dennis Kusnich is bowing out due to redistricting, and dirty politics from his democratic primary candidate.

I'll miss Dennis!  His honestly and straightfowardness is why I always voted for him. (Lived in his district.)

As for being a Mod.  I don't ban people for disagreeing with me.

I ban people for flaming and posting insults... and it's not like that was your first ban.


EDIT: Oh, and by the way.  For what it's worth I also believe Ayn Rand is awful.

I'd hardly call Ryan straightfoward when both he and Romney are accusing Obama of cutting Medicare, while maintaining the same cuts in Ryan's own budget.