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Jay520 said:
Ps3 said:
chocoloco said:
Oh is she naked? Last time I heard she was doing gang bangs.

@MBP He only does Taylor Swift threads and they are only fun for making fun of her.

LOL She is one of the most successful musicians in the world. Please, stop trying to make it seem like she is only naked because she is a female. This is a very sexist post.

How do you know that Taylor's gender was the cause of Chocoloco's comment? Perhaps he geuinely heard she was doing gang bangs. Nothing in his post suggests that Taylor's gender caused him to post that. There is no way to tell. Perhaps you are the one that is sexist here, for jumping to conclusions prematurely.

So, if you heard that the sky was green would you automatically assume that? Because that is absoute the worst cop out I've ever heard.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3