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darkknightkryta said:

Article still didn't say who ported the engine over, and as far as Unreal 4 goes, it depends if they keep it open source for the liscensees.  If it's open source, then it can be ported over, but without official support from Epic, it won't be an easy task.  Plus there's a reason why Epic isn't doing it themselves, my hunch is because they probably can't get everything running.  And about the last article, I know the Wii U is going to be a well made machine, I've been saying that this whole thread.  Nintendo is trying to balance power vs cost, which isn't a bad thing.

There is no such thing as "who ported the engine over" or "it depends if they keep it open source". If any developer buys the engine's license, they will be able to develop for any platform which has the minimum specs, and it's not as hard as youre making it sound. "Offical support" from Epic doesn't really matter in the end, as I said before, Epic had no intentions of supporting the Wii at all, but developers like Ubisoft was using UE2 on the system because they bought the license and there is nothing stopping them from developing a game for the Wii as long as it has the minimum specs.

Yes, there is a reason why Epic isn't doing it themselves, they wan't to say their engine is too powerful for Nintendo platforms even if it can handle the engine, just like it was too powerful to run on android devices before. This is one of the easiest ways to hype your engine and make developers believe its a "true next gen engine" when in reality it's just a good engine to reduce development time. However, even if Epic doesn't help, devs can do it without any problems as long as the system has the minimum specs and it's not as difficult as youre making it sound, it would be difficult for devs if the WiiU doesn't have the minimun specs, they would need to change the engine's basics, but if the system has the minimum specs, nothing needs to be changed on the engine itself.

As for the bolded part, any modern 2009~2010 GPU has all the feature set to run any next gen engine and it doesn't really matter what Epic says. They just don't want to say the WiiU is going to have UE4 games because they don't see money coming from it, but with or without Epic, developers who bought the license will develop UE4 games for all the next three platforms without any problems because it's convenient, they don't need Epic's approval or Epic's help to do that. Also, Epic already said it will be possible to port UE4 games for the WiiU (so the engine will run on the WiiU just fine) and they also said the engine will be "supremely scalable", so it has nothing to do with power, you can already exclude this option.

All we need is good third party sales for games like Assassin's Creed 3, and then we will see even more support for the system.

Andrespetmonkey said:

Not to be negative... but they're 6 years late to the party, and Orbis and Durango could blow it out of the water, and will at least be significantly more powerful. There's only a small chance they won't be. And do not reply to this with "sure if you want them to release a $600 console," because that's not how expensive it'd need to be.



edit: That said, Nintendo pull some amazing tricks with their own hardware, so I can't wait to see how first party games look when they take full advantage of the system.

No, they aren't 6 years late to the party, they are going to have a decent hardware even for the next gen. Again, my only concern is the new info for the ram, but it's not going to kill the WiiU or stop it from having decent ports (way better than what we had on the Wii).

It's not possible for Orbis or Durango to blow it out of the water, unless Sony wants to have a 5 billion loss again.  PS4 wouldn't be as expensive as $600, but Sony is already in a pretty bad situation, they can't afford another PS3 situation. And I will have to post this again:

You need a 12.000 GFLOPS GPU on the next xbox or PS system in order to have another "Wii situation", and this is impossible to happen, WiiU will be (at minimum) the PS2 of the next generation.