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Mummelmann said:
naznatips said:
Mummelmann said:
The big 3 actually have quite similar attach rates if you take things into account such as; how long its been out, install base and overall number of games released for it.
This is not counting Wiisports or Wiiplay of course...

Technically if you go by average time each user has owned their system, the attach rate goes Wii > PS3 > 360, and that's not counting Wii Sports. Wii Sports still sold almost 1.5 million in Japan without being packed in with anything. That's 4 times the highest selling PS3 game in Japan. Wii Play absolutely should be counted, even as a budget game. I have played over 20 hours of Wii Play, and it wasn't free to do so. People need to grow up and stop crying about Wii Play. Write Sony and tell them to release some budget games.

Oh, and Motorstorm had only sold 900K copies before it was packed in. *gasp* it's not a real million seller! Burn the Witch!

 I've heard a buzz of Namco Museum titles among others, so they're inbound. There was also talk about being able to play the original Warhawk, Gran Turismo 1 (or parts of it) and other classic PS games through Home, but I haven't heard any more about it.

About Wiiplay; yeah maybe it should be counted, but I feel that games bundled with a controller when you can't buy multiple controllers with the machine itself constitues a status much like Wiisports. Then again, looking at Wiiplay sales, only about half of the Wii owners do buy it... It seems you got my point none the less, though, and I meant no harm by not including Wiiplay. 

that was true when the wii first launched but that's soo not valid anymore.  you can easily pick up controllers without having to buy wiiplay.  when i got wiiplay i was in the store with wiiplay in one hand and a controller in the other and said to myself, "for 10 extra bucks i want this game".  i'm with naz on this - people need to grow up and stop crying. 

./tanks is awesome - i've logged tons of time on that game.