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Kasz216 said:

 Storming a church during a public sermon doesn't qualify as either of those.

At best it would be "Distrubing of the peace."

So conditional sentence (the most probable result of the trial, practically you're getting criminal record and good to go) for "incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", desecration of ceremony and public humiliaton is worse than month and a half in jail for only trespassing the territory and years in jail for some graffiti in synagogue? Riiight. Really, why the excuses? Just admit it, armed only with Google I could bury you under these kind of precedents :D

 //Though I've figured out it already, that if it'd have happened in synagogue, social consciousness would have stayed dormant. Half of "church desecration" incidents that ends with real sentences in the US took place in synagouges :D Well, unless it doesn't involve killing people like recent story with Sikhs.