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Khuutra I think that your saying if even doesn't act like generic girl she isn't an acting a like girl. What do you want her to do cry? Talk about screwing boys? Show scene of here cleaning her hair? I would pick her over a role-model over the "I CAN"T DEFEND MYSELF 90% of the game then I FEEL POWER NOW I CAN FIGHT~ The problem I guess is she actually doesn't take bullcrap and isn't here to act weak. She is here to kickbutt. 

I find it funny how those girls LOVED Larua when she was known just for sex symbol. Samus is actually respectable after all that happen to her. Yes you can be female and not act 2 dollar girl on corner.

You gave no defintion of how a girl is suppose to act. She acts cold because of here background which she took very well compared to average emo girl character in games. Samus is a tomboy like character and girls can relate to that (tomboys). In other M she actually has emotional break downs I believe from what I remember.


So you just claim oh it's fail isn't argument it's the lack of one. The only argument I see is see not acting like a female. Again...feamles don't act the same there are different types.

She is in a metal suit is a horrible reason to say OH NOT A FEMALE AT ALL. Again we have to look at the whole story ,every game, and break stereotypes because it's just going to be circular argument.

By the way it feels more impactful when you don't need it in your face she is a female it makes it feel real and not forced.  It means more when we don't have be told she is women every minute.  Lol imagine if the message was strong powerful woman and every cutscene she says I'M A WOMEN RESPECT ME[type of cutscene]! It just sounds bad and forced. She is an amazon not a feminist.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max