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HappySqurriel said:

To understand what he brings to the table, please watch the following video:


Essentially, he is an intelligent, articulate man who is informed and can make a well supported argument on a highly political topic without resorting to political grandstanding. From what I have seen of him, he doesn't seem to be a particularly partisan individual, and he would probably be willing to work with anyone to make the changes that are necessary to get the country moving in the right direction.

You know what he is?  More of the same.  Nothing will change with someone like him in office.  He is a fake conservative, just like Gingrich, Santorum, Romney, Bachmann and on and on down the list.  He, Romney, Biden and Obama are all very intelligent, very articulate men, but their silly arguments are ruining our country.  None of them have a strong theory of government.  You can't say with a straight face that you believe in small, limited government when you vote for Medicare Part D to expand benefits for prescription drugs, or when you vote to bail out every major American bank, or when you vote to undermine private industry and hand automobile companies over to labor unions instead of allowing them to go through the proper bankruptcy process that every other industry has to go through when they face financial problems.