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The Jace Hall show

We are deeply saddened by the news that Paul Steed, one of our close friends and one of the most memorable guests on The Jace Hall Show, has passed away.

At this time, the details of his death remain unclear. Paul leaves behind a wife and children and our heart goes out to them during this difficult time.

Fans of The Jace Hall Show will always remember Paul for his unforgettable appearance in Season 1, which has become one of the most memorable moments on the show thanks to Paul’s charismatic sense of humor and unapologetic approach. As lucky as we are to have had Paul as part of the history of our show, his accomplishments in the gaming industry are truly what stands out.

Paul Steed’s gaming career is marked by innumerable accomplishments; he was simply one of the first cutting edge low-poly 3D modelers to ever exist in the industry.

His career began in 1991 at Origin Systems, after he answered an ad for a “fantasy artist.” Paul said he didn’t touch a mouse until he was twenty-seven, which was hard to believe for anyone who saw his work. His talents would eventually take him to project and art director for some of the biggest gaming companies on the face of the planet, namely id SoftwareElectronic Arts, and Atari to name a few.

He enjoyed one of the most diverse careers of any gaming professional in recent memory, working in nearly every aspect of the gaming industry — from console makers (XBOX) to development (iD softwareEA) to publishers (Atari) to building his own gaming company (Exigent).

He was the author of several books on 3D modeling, including, Modeling a Character in 3DS Max and Animating Real-Time Game Characters. He was the Keynote Speaker at The Game Developer’s Conference in 2008, giving advice to enthusiastic gamers looking to break into the business.

For a list of Paul’s credits, look here.