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DieAppleDie said:
uf that sounds like... suicide to me
i think not many gamers would like to spend 400$ on anything if its not an Apple device ;)

Sad truth about Apple and prices, that's the reason why Sony should stay below that threshold. That would just be the top end of the whole offer, and for something between $350 and $400 (it depends on the price of PS3 and PSV sold separately when and if they'll do it) the buyer would receive a bundle with a feature set similar to Wii U when used together, but with the portable unit being a true portable console, usable in a totally separated way. Yes, it would be appealing only for those willing anyway to buy both PS3 and PSV, but the bundle offer could be useful to expand a little the potential user base at least for the period when PS3+PSV+Move would break the psychological barrier of $400 if purchased separately. The bundle, if released first, would also make Wii U appear less "new" and "innovative", so it would benefit PS3 image and help it fighting the competition of the earliest 8th gen console.
Finally, as long as PSV numbers are so low, even a few tens thousand more units sold would be a significant percent boost, and such bundle wouldn't imply additional dev costs to be made, just pack them together and bundle them with the PS3 game that uses the PSV as controller in the best way. In a difficult situation, even a little help is welcome.

Personally, I wouildn't ever spend more than $150 (and possibly less than $130) on a portable (I'd never spend more than that on a smartphone, either), but up until now PSV is the only one of which I like the controls and their layout, and the screen is excellent, with the right games I could consider buying one, but not in a near future.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!