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Chandler said:
The Vita has some great games coming for the holidays...but so does every other system on the market, so I don't really see too many people putting their money down for those games other than the few who already own a PS Vita. I fear that if AC and CoD do not have a relly big impact, other third parties with "lesser" IP's will not bother.

I don't think CoD or AC will do much for the Vita.  They will sell well to the existing base but they won't push much hardware at all.  You can play better versions of those games on your PS360 and Wii U this holiday for $60. I'm not convinced anyone is gonna buy a Vita + a copy of CoD/AC + a memory card for ~$350.  Vita needs handheld games that are unique for the system that can actually push.  They're on the right path with games like Gravity Rush.

I find myself rooting for the Vita because it's a great piece of hardware.  But it goes to show horsepower and state-of-the-art features mean NOTHING if there's no content.  Sony just never learns!  I feel like they thought they'd just get Monster Hunter in Japan and the rest of the 3rd party devs would come.  Didn't happen.  Now you see how weak their strategy was: designing the system around MH type games and FPS and not having much available from their own studios.  I'm not sold that Vita is doomed just yet...  I'm waiting to see how it'll do during the holiday.  Will be interesting to see.  :)