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Reminds me of a story a female friend told me lol She was having a one night stand with some guy in his appartment and the next morning she woke up and the guy was gone. He was at work and left a piece of paper reading "make yourself at home just close the door when you leave."

She watched TV, ate something and then went to the bathroom and took a shit but the flusher didnt work. She didnt know what to do so she took some of the freezer bags she saw in the kitchen and grabed the shit. She wanted to get rid of it in one of the public trash cans.

She then put on her clothes and placed the filled bags on the kitchen table because she wasn't able to put on her shoes with 1 hand. (the kitchen was directly next to the appartment door.) She grabed her jacket left and just as the door closed, she thought "OH MY F*CKING GOD THE DAMN SHIT IS ON HIS KITCHEN TABLE!!!"

it was so hilarious to hear it... I almost died. I wonder what the guy thought after coming home lol