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Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
The republicans are trying to stop them from voting, with these stringent, classist ID laws.

The ACLU is pouncing on the one in PA, but we need more action on the matter.

Ok come on now.  They aren't classist. 

They're just common sense.

I mean... I think we should put as much stringency on helping to decide the fate of the country as we do opening a bank account, cashing a check or getting a library card.


Honestly, it's a miracle anyone can function in todays society WITHOUT a photo ID.

They're strictly classist, they serve no other function but to try to disenfranchise traditionally-democratic constituencies. The voter ID laws are in place to discourage in-person voter fraud, which is so rare as to be statistically insignficant (compared to other points of voter fraud, which are also statistically insignficant). There are 600,000 registered-voter Pennsylvanians who are being disenfranchised by this law, and there sure as HELL aren't 600k fraudulent votes being cast. I'd doubt 6000. In a time when the state of PA is cutting its budget to the bone, this law is costing the state millions to advertise and implement.

It's a boondoggle to strike at a problem that doesn't exist and fire up rednecks who think this actually is a problem, and to try to bar lower-class voters. It exists only for political reasons, and is classist and unconstitutional.

Except... none of that is true.   First off.... see the 2008 Supreme court ruling.


Secondly, from the studies i've seen where they look at who would be hurt...

it's usually republicans.  Afterall, those most likely to not have IDs, outside of illegal immigrants, who can't vote... are the old.   Who are conservatives more often then not, and no longer have an idea to vote.   Or at least the ones who tend to study who would vote. 

Instead they usually just see who doesn't have an ID and then claim those people will be disenfranchised, usually not even checking to see if they could vote.  Much like the one in Pennsylvania did.  It just looked at who didn't have an ID.


As for voter fraud.  It's not exactly an easy thing to check afterall.   How would you?  Say you don't plan to vote, and I vote for you...  You don't get a reminder saying you voted for "Space Lizards" or anything.

It's a very easy crime to get away with.


Besides if anything, I'd call democrats against voter ID laws as the partisan ones... treating a vote for president as if it was a vote for American Idol.  If they really cared they'd be pushing for more people getting Voter IDs.

I mean... how Right Wing could it be?

Voter ID laws are recommened and supported by
Jimmy Carter. The voter ID boom started because of a joint commission co-chaired by him... and he still supports voter ID laws.  It's Democrats who have moved away from the issue.  They went from wanting free government ids handed out by the federal government, to no voter ID laws at all.

To be honest - how many frauds to you expect to prevent with this ?

And your analysis seems quite off thh :