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Yeah, it might just be that I've lived with dial up for so long, but broadband is so much faster already, I can't tell how pages could load much faster. The difference between 30 seconds for a page and 1 second for a page is a lot, but the difference (or noticeable difference) between 1 second and .5 second for a page is minimal. I did turn on the initialpaint.delay one, since sometimes larger pages take longer to fully load, and I've noticed that FF waits to display a page until it has most of the website downloaded, whereas IE would just display what's been downloaded so far. On dial up it's a lot more noticeable, since for a page to fully download takes 30 seconds, so on FF it looks like it's not doing anything for 25 of those, and then BOOM the whole page pops up, while on IE every 5 seconds a new part of the page would be displayed.