Cobretti2 said: now that I am awake again: Here is a scenario that happened to me. A job in my team come up at my new place of work. At my previous job I use to work with my best mate, We do everything together, sports, gaming and go out. Since the new job has created a bit of a distance between use, we now spend less time together. I asked him to apply for the job and even recommended him to my manager directly so he could once again work with me and we could hang out more and do the stuff we love doing. I wrote the technical questions for the interview. However I chose not to give them to my mate as I thought he would know the answers. In the interview he messed up one very important question as he was nervous and english is not his native language, which made my manager question his ability to handle himself. In the end he did not get the job. Most people in this case would do everything in their power to help a friend get in the door. Now if I given him the answers there would be no doubt thart he would have been less nervous and gotten the job. How did I profit from this scenario? I am pissed of with myself for leaving it to chance and now have to wait for more applicants to be interviewed, meaning at the same time I am doing extra person's work and not being paid for it. This also means that my mate might have to move to another state for a job as his current contract is expiring. So then I will get to see him even less. More dissapointment for me. Ontop of that my manager is probbably thinking why did I recommend him in the first place, so makes me look bad. Please note that in my short working career thi sis the first time I have ever recommended anyone. So not like I had previous personal preferences on what I would do in this scenario. |
Just because you expect or hope for profit when making a decision doesn't mean you'll receive it. People (and not to mention: companies) regret decisions every day because of lost profits or greater losses than expected.
You simply lost a bet with yourself.
(sorry, by the way)
@Player_ If you have nothing to add there is no reason to post.