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HideoK said:
Esquoret said:

Something to celebrate our chosen console...


Lol. nice. I actually played the Playstation All Stars Beta over the weekend. I only played one level on a Playstation bus at a fair and I played as Kratos. My first impression was I didn't like the controls and thought it was too floaty. After I left I realized I was probably being unfair because I wanted Kratos to play just like Kratos from God of War, same combos and all and when he didnt I was disappointed. And as for my other complaint, I realized why the jumping and movements may have been so floaty... it was likely because I was playing on the LittleBigPlanet stage! Doh!! I'll definitely have to give it another chance. One thing that was cool though was the LBP stage was building itself as the level went on, adding more platforms from a pop-it menu.

Actually, in the pic, I like how Kinect is a selectable character for that Xbox version lol.

For the PS version, maybe that's how they all jump? Because that's the Smash Brothers style. They let you jump high and floaty to make use of the verticality of the levels.

The LBP stage building itself sounds creative though, would like to witness that!

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