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Andrespetmonkey said:
phenom08 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Why do you think MH would do bad on Vita? Install base isn't an issue. MH takes care of that issue.

Install bass is an issue, you are assuming that MH would boost the VIta by like 3 million alone, you are clearly in denial if you believe thatReleasing on a platform with a large userbase gives MH more room to expand not expand a platform all on its own. Think from Capcom's shoes not your own, you want MH because Vita is a failure without it but Capcom wants MH on 3DS because a larger install base allows for the franchise to grow. Please don't say then why not multiplatform when you know Capcom develops for one first and then ports later.


Lol... someone's aggressive. Relax, we're just talking about video games here... Anyway, yeah I think it'd boost the Vita's sales substantially, as it did for PSP. So it's install base would grow, and MH would sell. It's in capcoms best interest to go multi-platform, because there's money to be made on both platforms, not just on the 3DS.

Im not being aggressive, im just stating facts but i know how people can be and only want certain franchises to sell their favorite. Money made on both is an assumption by you. The Vita version could flop thanks to its poor userbase and how often does Capcom do multiplatformal releases on the same day for MH? They havent done it in the recent past so why start now? I already know why its because it would boost the sells for a platform that really needs it.