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makingmusic476 said:

Hm, I'm unable to read the OP, but I think we can be pretty sure that Nintendo made a deal with Capcom to bring Monster Hunter Tri to Wii. At the time Capcom claimed they made the switch due to "development costs", but every other major Capcom franchise remained on PS3/360 (RE, DMC, SF), and they even claimed that some of these (RE5) could NOT come to Wii because of its weaker hardware, a claim equally as silly as their comments about MH3's expenditures.   It was PR talk, nothing more, and Nintendo's marketing deals for MHTri made obvious the real reason the franchise switched platforms when no others did. Nintendo even had to make a controller as similar to the DS3 and other traditional gamepads as possible in order to make MH playable on Wii and get Capcom to agree to the deal.

MH3G and MH4 on 3DS seem to merely be an extension of that deal.  They were already working with Nintendo on Monster Hunter, and nobody really knew how the 3DS or PSV would fare, so they probably decided to continue working closely with Nintendo for the time being.  Working that closely with a first party at the very least hedges your bets should you happen to choose the wrong horse.

Lol, no. You realize those other games were multiplatform right? Those games are big globally and not only in Japan where they needed a console with a large userbase and for it to be exclusive. Making it exclusive for PS3 would have been foolish, high cost and a small userbase is not a recipe for success. Also Nintendo didnt have to make a controller similiar to DS3 you can play the game with the WIimotes lol. Have you even read a thing about tri?