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gergroy said:

Personally, I am not excited about either option this year.  I was all for Obama 4 years ago when he ran on a platform of hope and change.  However, very little has changed and the changes havent always been better.  Now, Obama is running on a platform of look how bad this guy is, I can do better than him.  Isnt that sad?  Shouldnt he be talking about the change he wants to bring?  

Now, I'm not saying romney is much better, his platform is the same as Obamas.  Basically, my question is does Obama actually deserve to be re-elected?  If so, why isnt he telling us why?

It's difficult for Obama to run at all, because the economny isn't any better than it was in 2008, and yet he keeps saying he's fixing it.  He had two full years to ram through as much liberal legislation as he could, controlling both houses of Congress, and the Executive branch.  He has nothing to show for it except expanding our overseas empire even further than GWB, and and getting us into so much debt that it is almost impossible we'll ever be able to pay it back.  People thought Dubya was bad, well for crying out loud, Obama's even worse.  We haven't had a single new net job since the year 2000, when Clinton was still in office.  To make matters worse, because unemployment is getting worse not better, the Feds continually adjust the way they calculate and report the unemployment rate to make it look far better than it is.  Bleak, bleak times we live in.