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I am not American but I would say yes, in this case, because better the devil you know than the one you don't.

On the economy I seriously doubt any other elected president could have done better (based on other non-biased opinions).

All over the western world (UK, France, Italy etc, to name a few) new governments are being elected to solve their economic problems and all are failing miserably. I live in the UK where this is very evident.
With all due respect I don't think any American potential president is far more capable. I could be wrong but I believe I am right.

Regardless of the country all potential leaders talk tough and promise all kinds of crap but never deliver. Obama, Romney and Johnson are no different.

Saying that I hope Romney or whoever wins for purely "scientific" reasons.

@Mr Khan.

I totally agree that the system where "People own their own companies, but the government can step in whenever it wants to correct things/switch things to benefit the state" is the best way. The state comes first. Without the state nothing else matters.