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there seems to be so much mis-information, speculation and over-all bias on this issue that I thought I'd just make mention of a few points concerning gun laws.

Some people seem to think that you can just walk into any gun shop in the US and if you have the green, walk out with auto-matic weapons.  Although many of the states do differ in how the laws are carried out, most states do have sufficient laws that prevent people that shouldn't have them from acquiring them.  That said, gun laws can differ from county to county, but most are more strict then less.

Yes, I myself do have a legal pistol permit.  In my county, you need to be of specific age and show proof of a legal purchase/downpayment of a pistol and fill out a several page application in which you need 4 people to sign and vouch for you.  Those 4 people also need to fill out a character reference sheet and vouch for your character, frame of mind and ability...and send it in to the country sheriff's office and then at that point are able to interviewed if need be.  You need to make an appointment with the sheriff's office when all forms are received to turn in your application, proof of purchase/downpayment and certificate of passing an official pistol permit well as a letter to the court judge explaning your request and reasoning for said permit.  In the letter to the judge you also need to specify how you will be securing the firearm once you own it (ie. biometric gun vault etc.).  All paperwork is to be notorized by a licensed notary as well.  At that point (in my county) it is about a 6 month wait for your personal interview by the court judge.  He/she is the deciding factor after reviewing your history, references and the interview.  If you are granted a permit, you get a form to turn into the dealer and retreive your firearm.  In some counties there are several days in between before you can pick it up.  Upon picking it up you fill out additional paperwork and a background check call is made.   This is for a restricted concealed carry permit.  Further training and applications are necessary but do not guarantee getting unrestricted.  Surrounding counties near me can require different and /or more difficult requirements.

Now, you don't go through all that for semi-automatic shotgun or rifle but there are background checks made at point of purchase.

My point here, is that the laws in place are intended to and are sufficient in weeding out undesireables from acquiring firearms that they shouldn't have.  People that have legal pistol permits are for the most part, very responsible law abiding citizens that keep their arms secured and themselves pose no threat to another human being.  Likewise, criminals do not carry legal permits or registered firearms...they are criminals remember.  They are already not supposed to be carrying firearms and do anyway illegally.  Stands to reason that banning all guns doesn't stop those individuals from having firearms and committing heinous crimes, because they don't get firearms they will always have them.

just a little food for thought.