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Kantor said:

I'm not sure you understand what Communism is.

It requires the banning of private ownership of property, which is ridiculous because most Democrats (and Republicans) in the Senate are multimillionaires. It requires the abolition of the free market, which nobody in Congress supports. Indeed, communism can't really survive with elections.

Communism does not mean "higher taxes" and "ineffectual healthcare reform".

Most communist states don't (really) ban the private ownership of property, they just ban the ownership of private property for the average person ...

There are reasons why many very wealthy Americans (particularly in the entertainment industry) have such positive impressions of communist states; they are often invited to these countries and get to see how the top 1% who control the country live. Being that many of these rich pro-communist Americans are also idiots, they foolishly believe the claims of "equality" under communism and think that average person has a good life under communism.