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You should write a little about each game... And give them ratings on how good they are and stuff. Something like:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Gamerankings score: 94.8%. Importance rating: 1 (being top out of 5 or ten categories)

Then you go to the game site and take the most relevant you find there. For TP. Here:

You take, for instance

At an incredble 60 hours long, and with more temples than ever before, this is Link's biggest adventure yet. The scale of Hyrule is awe inspiring, and the game never ceases to amaze. This game is the refinement of all previous 3D Zelda games, placed into one gigantic, polished package, and represents the pinnacle of The Legend Of Zelda.

That has a nice swong, huh?


Edit (in 09): Wow, I sound retarded. Glad you didn't make any of my suggestions.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS