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Euphoria14 said:
thranx said:

The best way to stop people from doing drugs is to not lie to them about the effects like the government does. And for people to see examples of drug users around them. If crack is so bad and people use it and it makes their lives sucks, people will see that and not use it. With it being illegal these people are often not in view or locked up so the public doesn't see what damage it does. If it doesn't damage people so bad that they are able to function and live a happy life what is the problem?  Theer is also the problem of people starting on drugs that aren't as bad but switching to worse ones as the price rises. If drugs were cheaper there would be no reason to switch from pain pills to heroin. From coke to crack. Alot of the same arguments against drugs can be made against unhealthy food too.

Been wishing the US would just legalize Marijuana for years now. I never understood why it was banned.

I smoke up about 3-4 times a week after work hours and work a good job so that I have been able to send my daughter to pre-preschool/daycare  4 days a week since she was 1 rather than let her sit in front of the TV. She already counts to 10 in Spanish along with maybe 20-30 other words consisting of adjectives, colors, etc..., counts to 20 in English, she can write her name already and she knows the entire alphabet and is in the beginning stages of reading. She also only took 2 weeks (Only totalling around 2 hours though) with a bike to learn to pedal on her own as well as turn properly and she can flip backwards off the swing set bar while holding onto the rings. I also decided to measure her jump from a stand still position to see how far of a jump she can make. 90% of the time she surpasses 24 inches.

Large majority of children her age can't even do half of what I just mentioned, and she just turned 3 a little over a month ago. She was recently placed into a new class consisting of children older than her because the teachers and owner felt that leaving her with her own age group would hold her back. They say she is very advanced for her age, even more so physically.

Now, if you're wondering why I choose to smoke pot, it is because I like how it makes me feel. It makes me active for some strange reason and unlike alchohol I am still 100% functional and god forbid something were to happen I am still able to take care of the issue. It also helps me to sleep, which is why I tend to smoke after my daughter goes to bed.

It's just an all natural plant that one could grow by dropping a seed in the ground, lol. It's not synthetic or anything.


My fiance will smoke with me occassionally, but she prefers to just stick to her Vicodens (Car accident has left her with a bad back). Neither of us have upgraded to worse drugs, although they tell you people do. She is currently working as a nursing supervisor at a pediatrics office.



Most would assume I am the polar opposite if I mention that I smoke. I get lectures all the time...

I know I would rather my kid do the same instead of drinking alcohol, but that's just me. Although I of course will not bring it up or suggest she start either of them, lol.



Hell, even the (arguably) greatest Olympian of all time Michael Phelps like a hit or two from the bong.



Anyways, that's it for my little story, lol.

Marijuana is an odd drug ...

While the reasoning behind it being banned are questionable when you consider the legality of Alcohol and Tobacco, it would never pass the FDA's rules today; primarily because several legitimate studies have shown a significant increase in mental illness associated to long term use of Marijuana. This isn't an argument about whether it should be legal or illegal, but its legality is partially based on a regulatory system that was not in place for Alcohol or tobacco.

As for Marijuana being natural, the plant itself is natural but grown naturally it doesn't produce enough THC for someone to get high. The process for creating drugs from Marijuana are roughly as unnatural as industrial Tobacco production, which is completely unnatural. If you came accross a wild patch of Marijuana, since there would be no unfertilized female plants that had grown for long enough to produce significant quantities of THC in their buds, you could smoke an entire plant and (besides suffering smoke inhalation) you would see no significant effects.