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the2real4mafol said:
Kasz216 said:
the2real4mafol said:
Kasz216 said:
the_dengle said:
Kasz216 said:

Let people use it.

Heroin legalized would be incredibly cheap...

I fail to see how legalizing heroin would somehow result in fewer people being addicted to it. There is literally nothing you can tell or show me that would overcome my common sense laughing at how ridiculous it is to assume that making something legal and cheap would NOT result in its use becoming more widespread, no matter WHAT it is.

"The costs aren't exactly dissuading anyone from doing it?" You're nuts. Maybe people who are already addicted are willing to do whatever it takes to get their hands on it, but people who AREN'T addicted are way less likely to try something new if it's outrageously expensive. Come on, man! Seriously, don't argue with common sense!

We are getting so far off-topic here. GUN CONTROL. GET ON THAT.

Fewer people wouldn't be doing it.  However fewer people would be made destitute about it.

The problem with "common sense" is that common sense isn't statistically tested and often flies in the face of reality and research.

Gun Control... is exactly the same thing.  Statisics generally show that in the US, removal of gun control, even by outside forces, tends to lead to a decrease in crimes and crimes comitted involving guns.

I'm not sure how you really have a topic after doing the research... outside calls for "common sense".

If you read statistical studies, or books on research you'll find that "common sense" is wrong way more often then you would think, and this is generally one of the biggest issues in the way of policy improvement.

Why is crime so high in america's cities then? if gun control don't exist?

Gun control does exist in most of the US cities with high crime rates... and it usually goes down when the court strikes down handgun bans.

Outside that, I could go into a huge primer on why crime is so high in US cities, but I don't want to be accused of going off topic again.  Short answer,  culture, isolation due to suburuban sprawl, certain areas being passed over by mass transportation, drugs being so expensive and cops ignoring/paying less attention to some trouble areas are some reasons.


Oh, and in general, less trained officers being in the trouble neigherhoods causing ill will.  Most police departments work on seniority, so the people in the worst areas are often the people who just started.

lots of problems then with the guns somehow getting involved, racism between groups in those areas probably didn't help either. Also, that police system seems flawed, shouldn't the senior police work in the dodgier areas instead of the newer police. it's all ignored really

Except... like I said... guns usually do seem to help.

I can only speak from the area where I've worked, but in general, guns seem to stop a lot of fights.

There are a lot of fights in the neighberhoods I've worked in, and serious permanent brain damage can be caused with your bare hands and feet. 

Generally what happens is, people get into a couple of fist fights, so as to avoid assault with a deadly weapon.   If someone gets seriously hurt generally one of two outcomes seems to happen.

1) Someone attacks the injurer with a knife or a bat.

2) Someone starts carrying around a gun, and the other guy stays out of their way as word gets to them QUICK. 

It's just an ancedotal expiernce, but it matches with the data.  There is a reason why Police guns are designed to be extremely visible afterall.

The thing to keep in mind is that crime is different then what common knowledge dictates.

Most people think of crime...and gun violence for that matter as   "Some stranger breaks into your house and steals your stuff"   or "Some stranger attacks you in an alley.

When in reality the TRUE average crime is  "Some neighbor or aquantiance breaks into your house" or "Some aquantance attacks you on the street because he knows you recently came into money."

Most crimes are committed with preknowledge of the victim and their patterns... so in reality there is a hidden preventitive value in gun ownership just in that regard... because if your wrong or the person comes home early,  your risk suddenly jumps through the roof, and most criminals are looking to activly avoid murder or even charges like assault with a deadly.