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It took a while to get through this thread and it's a shame that it had to get derailed but I will add my 2 cents to the op as well as the other discussion taking place.

The current government in Serbia reflects the sentiment of the people of a nation (Serbia) that are sick and tired of their country constantly being given conditions and never being rewarded even after meeting them. The previous government went out of it's way to do everything that was dictated to them by the west short of officially accepting Kosovo independence and Serbia is still no better off for it..

At this point in time there is no need whatsoever for Serbia to make a real attempt to enter the EU and it should use the current western economic weakness to its advantage by playing the waiting game and maintaining good relations with the west while deepening ties with Russia and China.

Serbia needs to focus on improving the economy with a strong focus on political/military neutrality and I believe that this approach will produce the best results.

As far as the discussions about genocide go they are all irrelevant because while it would be great to be idealistic and play the moral game at the end of the day it all comes down to the strong dictating to the weak and doing what they want to do. This was true at the dawn of time and remains true today.

But for the sake of argument I will say that the west set a dangerous precedent by attacking a nation without a UN security council resolution and even going up against the NATO charter where the requirement to attack a nation is that the said nation attacks a NATO member state.

The precedent that was set in 1999 in the bombing of Serbia is one that national sovereignty can be violated even when a nation is dealing with a conflict internally and international law can be circumvented when convenient by powerful countries in order to advance their geopolitical interests.

By the way I'm an Australian of Serbian descent who cares deeply not only for Serbia but for the region as a whole and I hope that balance can be restored. That is why I am strongly in favour of a multi-polar world where strong countries can't act unilaterally without severe consequences.