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disolitude said:
Pimp3k said:
Zlatan.R said:

do a quick search on croatias (operation storm) and few things will be clear for you ...i hope


Since I even know few people that were part of both Opreations Storm and Blitz, I think I know more or less what happened. Since you still see Croats as "aggressors" maybe you should find another sources of knowledge... maybe those that offer more realistic picture. It's hard to be aggroessor, when you are trying to defened your country that was occupied by someone else. You know it isn't Serbia everywhere where Serbs live, despite what you think...

I especially love this "song" that you were able to hear in Knin and Vukovar "Miloševiću šalji nam salate, bit će mesa klat ćemo Hrvate", Milošević send us some sald, there will be meat we'll butcher Croats.

I'd just leave him alone at this point and stop provoking further ignorant comments.

Anyone with half a brain can see you are more educated on the matter and have a much less biased point of view...and I am saying this as a half Serbian who spent half of his life there. 

my comments are not ignorant they come from truth shame on you for saying that you may be half serbian but you dont have a serbs heart you are nothing but a traitor