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I kind of anticipated this, but it appears that Persona 4 Arena is going to be a legitimately crazy plat. Apparently you can't use the second controller trick to beat score attack. And looking at videos of the challenge mode some combos are crazy hard. I'd love to start digging into MGS4 but I really don't want to take a break from SSF4 and possibly lose all the muscle memory I've built up. It was a red letter day on that front, finished up Ken, El Fuerte, Abel, and Ibuki finally. I can almost taste the plat. Of course I've still got a huge grind ahead of me even after finishing all the trials.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4