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Rugger08 said:
I don't know why everyone assumes the wii owners are so casual. Yes there are girl and elderly gamers buying wiis, but they probably combined make up like 10% of the wii market. I know at least 5 wii owners and they are all hardcore gamers. I don't know any casueal wii owning gamers, do you?

 Well that's just selection bias.  How many elderly or casual gamers do you hang out with... and how often do VG sales come up?

Of course the same could be said for 360's and PS3's.  I know i'd never of known my Aunt had a 360 or that my other aunt had like 3 DS's unless they had mentioned it in casual conversation.

What people don't understand is causual =/= not liking blowing shit up.

People can be hardcore gamers and actually like nothing but minigames.  I mean if someone has a wii and plays mini game collections 5 hours a day, are they really not a hardcore gamer?

If someone plays GTA for less then 3 hours a week, avoiding the cops are they really a hardcore gamer?