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Bearing arms could be interpreted in so many ways. You could interpret it as being able to carry ANY arm, including, say, WMDs. That could be legal one day according to the US constitution.

Or you could restrict it to knifes or whatever.

I think for guns to be legal is crazy, and I don't get the "need to defend myself" thing because where I come from nobody carries guns so you don't need a gun to protect yourself against guns. I have only seen guns carried by some (I stress some) members of the police force. I don't feel threatened in the slightest by guns. It's a pretty lame excuse if you ask me.

BUT, if the USA banned guns today there would be a huuuuuuuuuuuge black market there, because those hundreds of millions of guns among the population where not going to disappear from one day to the next. So at this point the solution may be worse than the problem.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.