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Kresnik said:
ils411 said:

I'm not sure if $19.99 is a sale price (looks more like the regular price but I'm not sure) but I recommend Liberty City Stories over Vice City. Dont ask why, personal preference, plus a soldier in GTA? come on! mobsters is where itz at lol

yes, you can have multiple psn accounts on a single vita as long has you have a separate memory card for each account. The PSN account will be tied to the memory card and whenever you feel like changeing psn account, you'll have to pop in a different memory card. Thats if you're accounts are all in just one region. If you plan on having a NA, EU and Asia account, asside from having to have separate memory cards, you'll have to restore/reset your vita everytime you feel like changing region/account.

As for PSP, yes, you can do it on the psp since the psn account is not tied to the psp or the card (i think)

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply.  I should have specified that it's in EU that all those games are on offer - The GTA games are £3.99 (down from £11.99), so I figure they aren't going to be close to this price any time soon.  Tbh, I could probably buy both of them but I'd rather just get one, so I'll look into LCS, cheers :)

And that's good to hear about the Vita.  Would have been easier on just one memory card, but I suppose I can just figure out how much stuff I want from the NA store and get a memory card that's the right size for all that, shouldn't be one of the bigger ones I guess.

Thank you for the help!

REALLY? 3.99 from 11.99? DOOD! Go for it! That is one sweet deal. If you can get both, then do so, but 1 GTA is enough if you ask me. I dont even play the story, I just play it to do stuff without actually doing stuff

In the earlier firmwares, you can actually use only one memory card. What you do was pop out your memory card, restore your vita, and set it to the region you want, then pop in your memory card. But with the latest firmware, Sony seem to have disabled this and now require that you have a different memory card for each account. Or if you have the patience, you can use only one memory card,what you do is backup your games and stuff on your vita to your pc. restore your vita and reformat your memory card then set the region to your desired region.