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Esquoret said:
KylieDog said:
Esquoret said:

Haha yeah... Well that's the same KylieDog we've seen around complaining about everything being too easy. Just the guy's trait.

Seriously though, for those that have played it, how many stars would this be rated?

Most games are overrated in difficulty, most people think "I found this hard" means a game is hard.  It doesn't, if an easy game is found hard it means the player is crap at that game or made it hard on themselves when did not need to, but few players will like to admit this.  Likewise someone who is a pro at certain game types calling a game easy doesn't make it so.

To plat MGS4 it turns out a BB run is required afterall, but if you go find a decent guide on youtube you'll realise just how easy it is, and it is very easily copied requiring no actual skill, unlike for example copying a trial from SFIV.

For BB run almost all areas of the game you can literally run through if you take the right path, use a chaff nade at right moment etc and a youtube vid shows you the perfect path and where to halt for a brief moment while a guard turns around, tells you everything.  If you wear the otacon mask in act 3 for example you can dance right in front the soldiers and they ignore you.  Guns you get from Drebin for repeat playthroughs allow you to 1-2 shot bosses. 

The only tough section is the bike chase since is the only part you lose control over so cannot stealth it following a guide.

Alright so it seems you didn't fully understand the requirements of the trophies. No big deal, but the question still stands - I'm wondering how would people rate it around here?

I get it about watching walkthrough videos - it's one of the side effects of the internet age. But what you're referring to is just that following a walkthrough is easy. The difficulty of a game still should be judged separately from the resources available that helps the player in overcoming that difficulty. So as an example, you could have a difficulty game, but an easy platinum trophy because of others who give tutorial on how to beat the difficult game.

Of course in the context of a trophy league, we've got no way of monitoring whether people achieved the platinum trophy by themselves or by using a walkthrough. So we gotta go with the lowest common denominator.

Even so, I think we should utilise the scale that we have distinctively (1-5 stars). What I mean is that if you think the majority of games on the list are overrated, and you shift all these "easy games" into the 1-star rating, then there may be too much discrepancy within that rating, and scarcity in the rest. If you truly can't tell the difference in difficulty between the majority of games around here because they all seem really easy for you, then all I can say is that your skills may be too awesome so that beating a 3-star game takes similar effort to beating a 1-star game for you. Otherwise all I'm saying is that these ratings are just relative to each other, and sometimes you just have to pay attention to the small differences in difficulty between games so that in their allocation the full rating scale can be amply utilised.

The bottom line is that there could be a game that will come in the future that's 10 times as difficult than Gran Tourismo 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and White Knight Chronicles combined. Then in that case, that game will be given a definitely 5-star rating, while current 5-star games will probably have to be scaled down to 2-stars, and everything else becomes an 1-star breeze, because they're all just too damn easy for the person who's completed this crazy new game with his awesome skills. I'm exaggerating, but in principle you might prefer this direction of downscaling many existing titles. If that's the case, many people would have a platinum average as low as Xenostar, and we can no longer distinguish the trophy whores from the super whores! (sorry Xeno, you're too perfect of an example =P)
