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Not everyone in this thread has taken this tact but what the hell is the point of this zero sum attitude people take? Its almost as if it comes pre-programmed into some people (ie fanboys) that only one company can be "doing well" and the rest are "horribly losing"...the only other option is that it is too close to call but even then they'll usually say "for now".

Both the 360 and the Wii have done extremely well with software, that really shouldn't be up for debate right now. As for which is doing better I have to say that I am really close to the point where I don't care...not because I genuinely don't care but because of the incessant bickering that inevitably results when the topic is brought up.

Now I'll admit I've been part of that in the past but I'm really hoping we can actually get back to meaningful and productive discussion on the topic rather than our current system of back and forth 1-up's-manship which is ultimately decided by who can best piece together a bullshit argument in a shiny package...and honestly its gotten pretty boring since really the only variants on this tradition are whether the package is delivered with a smile or a murderous glare.


The list joeron put up has Wii Play which probably will still raise a bunch of bickering from folks. I honestly don't even care if its included because my analysis of this data (with or without Wii Play) is that both consoles have done extremely well in terms of software sales. The only real differences are first party versus 3rd party.

Looking at this it seems to me that a fair conclusion is that MS has had an excellent 3rd party showing and an average first party showing while Nintendo has had an excellent 1st party showing and an average third party showing.

Which company has done better for themselves seems to be a point people wish to determine but to me it seems obvious that this sort of comparison is only valid when qualified with a set of completely subjective criteria which prevents the comparison from being objective, and thus universally meaningful, in the first place.

Or in short, there is no definitive answer on this subject, and it may well be the case that there never will be. 

To Each Man, Responsibility