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SamuelRSmith said:
HappySqurriel said:
Currency manipulation only really matters because most western nations are ruled by morons with no economic vision ...

We spend thousands of dollars a year for over a decade educating children in a system developed at the dawn of the industrial revolution to work in an economy where they're interchangeable cogs that are no "better" than uneducated workers in the third world.

I want you to consider the future for a minute:

Within 10 years we will live in a world where manufacturing can be done on a micro scale, and you will be able to take your ideas to market with very little overhead. How many children educated in the current system would have the technical, engineering and/or design skills to compete in that market?

Those 3D printers fascinate me, though I still find it hard to imagine them having a profound effect, long term... then again, I could just be a luddite on this particular piece of technology.

Of course, Western nations are still run by morons who don't even understand the more traditional school of thoughts. Currency manipulation always leads to currency collapse - those Washington hawks should be celebrating manipulation!

I thought about this after i went to work, but China gets the added benefit of not having their currency be properly tradable unlike most currencies (one, you can't forward exchange the Renminbi, and they have limitations on the Forex market), so its not as damaging for them

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.