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Username2324 said:

AHAHAHAH, So your saying, even though the commercial says it starts at $399, and I can pick one up at Walmart for $399, thats a lie? LOL. Obviously you like to live in your little cartoon fantasy world, and if you honestly enjoy watching Nascar, HA! So, your saying, if you were to go shooting, you'd go hunting, but your against killing, well bro, I have your solution, PLAY A SHOOTING GAME there's no real killing! ITS THE PERFECT SOLUTION! You my friend, are one crazy a$$ hippy, have fun destroying cartoon characters. Why do you even own a console, shouldnt you been out there swimming with the dolphins? Come on man, they are lonely! And those tree's need huggin! Can't forget those, or maybe you could go to the pond and feed the ducks? What about them? Or you know what, I'm sure there is some oil spill somewhere for you to clean up, don't want them penguins dying!

You crack me up, you like Nascar, are against killing a GAME unless of course its a cartoon character, then your perfectly fine with it. What is the world coming to?

P.S. Does nintendo explain WHY the Wii is at $250 when it only costs them $150 to make? WHY don't they tell you that your getting screwed over? 

No, the commercial is a lie because they leave out all the features the 40GB has; 2 USB ports, some SD slots or whatever, and Backwards Compatibility (you have to find that out for yourself either by checking online or looking at the box).

I never said I LIKE Nascar; I said you can watch Nascar on TV without having to play a racing game. Isn't that real enough than GT5? I also gave shooting games as an example because I'm against killing. I hate war and fighting. I can say the same thing about your Halos, your Resistances, your KillZones, your Hazes etc. because it's the same thing with a different coating of paint on it; you pick up a gun and shoot an opponent. Big whoop. So easy that Paris Hilton's dog, Tinkerbell, could've done it to itself.

I had Metroid before (a friend gave me it as a birthday present), but I sold it to the store for money. Why? I get motion sick. I'm not buying a video game and playing it on my HDTV, especially on an HD console. That's one reason I don't own an HD is because the clarity makes me motion sick. Even my GCN and Wii games make me motion sick at times because I own a component cable.

And the Wii is a console meant for fun and fun only. It's not to show off your money and make a pretty picture. The Wii was meant for interaction with the gamer, friends/family and the game. The Wii has Nintendo mascots on it, something that Sony nor Microsoft have at all. You go play your Resistance game and tell me when you lose some weight. Obviously that game requires you to sit on your ass and play. And if the Wii is a fad, then how is this fad creaming the competition and hasn't died down one bit? How is it that your company (Sony) is in the red and has stripped itself from what it once was? Why is it that Nintendo has surpassed Sony in gaining marketshare? You go tell yourself why you own a console that doesn't have any good games out on the market, let alone some delayed franchises and some people in the world don't have the slightest clue about because it doesn't appeal to them. Sony and Microsoft are a dying breed when it comes to their systems strengths; hell, my computer is more powerful than your PS3, so you fail.

300GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce 8800GT, 4GB RAM and Windows Vista Ultimate >>>>>>> PS3