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it's not so much more time to sell segajon - it's time to develop, release and sell. Bearing in mind that 90% of third parties didn't want to know about the Wii and off the top of my head I think there was only Ubisoft and Activision that released games for the Wii release.

Then there was the time when third parties were waiting for developer kits then followed the cheap port period - i'd say it's only the last quarter (certainly for europe) when the decent titles hit the Wii.

Is it really any wonder why Nintendo have 7 first party titles in there? IMO they had to do it on their own and give out a well the We'll support it on our own until everyone else realises it's not just a fad, toy or gimmick and gets their acts together kinda vibe.

I reckon 08 will be the year for that - 360 has sold good software numbers though and credit where it's due, they have acheived gaining some market share by getting the 360 out first, that was their plan and it worked pretty well.