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Chark said:
Question. Does anyone use Remote Play via the internet? Outside your home from a different wifi connection? I got it to work a while back but my router sends out the signal that turns the PS3 on automatically and aside from not wanting your PS3 on all the time it turns off after a certain amount of time and disables the remote play feature from the internet. I've heard of certain routers that don't do this or of a way to adjust settings on some routers to disable that signal from sending out every 2 seconds.

I would really like to do this without having to leave my PS3 on and not be able to do it more than once while out because it disables the feature during the false on command from my router.


And to answer your question, I was able to get it to work when I first got my Vita.  I never got it ot work for PSP.  To get it to work now, I have to leave my PS3 on and have it already set for "Remote Play".  I can turn it on via Private Network but to do that, I have to be in close proximity to my PS3.  Now that you mention it, the different router may be the issue.  I had a router but it kept getting disconnected when I played 3DS with Rolstoppable.  I bought a new router and now it doesn't turn on via the internet anymore.

Anyway, I used to have a Linksys router.  Now, I have a Netgear router.