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Apology is acknowledgement. Acknowledgement should be paid.

As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It should be noted that the US actually did TRY and apologize for it. However the Japanese nixed the event.

Obama planned to do so in Japan but the idea was nixed. At least according to Wikileaks.

Likely because Japan has a fairly bad problem of "Manchuria" denile.

As for the US leaders being tried for it if they lost the war... US leaders would of been tried had they lost the war regardless. Even if they never fought back.

My position on it was, at the end of the day, it ended up the right call because it caused the least amount of casualties, and even the least amount of civilian casualties from all available options. That's not "histography" it's just the truth.

Was it horribly immoral? Well yeah. It wasn't even the most immoral act the US committed in WW2. At the end of the day... a lot of the firebombings were worse.