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You would need to show where Jesus consider anyone but a man and a woman as the basis of marriage to be able to show that Jesus supported gay marriage. Without this, you go to other scriptures to find it. But Jesus refers to God joining a man and woman together, not two of the same gender.

Of course, people are free to do whatever they want, including someone believing they can marry a shoe. But, that doesn't mean that it is what Jesus would say or the Christian religion, or the Bible.

The point about the shoe. Ok the 2 gays or consenting adults. They both agree to it. The Shoe or animal or whatever your going to say can't express itself about how it feels about it, So it is not consenting.

Now your religion doesn't belong in our government. Seperation of church in state. Remember the last time that happened or country's where religion rules. Lots of death, cut off heads and oppression. So with religion rule you get oppression and cut off heads. Yea I'm going to say religion is a joke and doesn't work.