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darthdevidem01 said:
I feel this gen will end as follows:

In Ranks:

1. Nintendo Wii --180 Million--- Ninty back on top with the Wii

2. Sony Playstation 3 --80 Million---Some people may say a bit too high but this will come due a VERY LONg lifespan

3. Microsoft Xbox 360 --40 million---No comments

That, and I highly believe that Sony will put more and more emphasis on the blu-ray and multimedia functions of the PS3. Combine that with a lower price-point - an everyday affordable one that it'll probably reach around Christmas of '09 - and sales will skyrocket ahead of the 360.


To those that think the numbers being "thrown around" are off the wall, you have to remember a few things.

(1) This is based off of in-depth analysis. That means nothing is being "thrown around", but being analyzed and critiqued. These are educated estimates.

(2) The Wii and the PS3 both will have unusually long lifespans (for entirely different reasons, however). The PS3 will likely live (strongly) about a year and a half after its successor is released in 2011-2012. The Wii will easily live most of the way through the eighth generation (which will start in 2011), and almost see its grandchild's release (Support for the Wii very possibly may end in 2015, with the ninth generation starting only a year or two later). Given such long lifespans, unusually high sales totals are entirely possible.

If the Wii is continued at the rate it currently is (which we know it won't - we know it will increase for a good portion of the generation, but for argument's sake, we'll say it will just continue on the current route), then it will continue selling 1.8m a month. 1,800,000 units x 12 months to a year x 8 to 10 years = 172.8m to 216m. Heck, even if Nintendo went back to the five or six year generation formula (that they've specifically stated that they're working out of, and I think the DS "third pillar" strategy is their method of carrying that out), we'd be looking at 108 to 129.6 million units minimum. MINIMUM. That's assuming sales remain exactly where they've been. And we know that's not happening.


Doktor: What have the PS3 and 360 done for gaming that was new? Anything? No? That's what I thought. Who did something new? Who changed gaming? And what is "evolution" defined as? Change? Yeah. Get your fanboyism out of the thread and consider the facts next time, please.
