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Runa216 said:

Very angry stuff...

Here's the thing, even though I don't like mmo rpgs, I have to commend them for making decisions and sticking by them. They show commitment to bringing some glory to a numbered FF game and there is a realistic chance they will, they do have a tone more experience.


Secondly, you shouldn't be telling SE to fuck themselves. What they are doing is actually very logical. If anything you should be telling the fans to fuck themselves, because by buying 9.6 mil of XIII and XIII-2 copies they are / we are / I am supporting that endevour and they / we / I want to see it to the end. So, no matter how big your font is, when you say "we" you are wrong. Depeche Mode wrong.

With both XIV v2 and XIII-3, they obviously don't want to leave half finished projects. That is absolutely respectable.

FF XV will be next gen, does Agnis Philosophy ring a bell ? And how are you so certain XV will be better ? That is just wistful thinking. The same wistful thinking people who didn't like XII had about XIII.


Lastly, I do certainly want Versus and I am probably gonna preorder two copies, one for use and one sealed, but if it means getting THE game of this  generation, a game with FF XII like production values, i can sure as hell wait.



oniyide said:

THis, Id like to add, they need to stop BSing on the FF Type-0 english version and get er done already. PSP, PSVita whatever just get it out here. Only thing out of that whole fablua novalis whateverthefuk that hasnt sucked (is it even part of that anymore

"whatever just get it out here" ? That's suicidal !

The PSP does not enjoy the same success in the west and much less the software. With a PSVita struggling for titles, it would be moronic not to make an "augmented" version for the PSVita.