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Runa216 said:
zarx said:

And if anyone want's to know why it's taking so long

"For the revitalization of the FF brand, we decided not to shutdown FFXIV and to continue the services while adding improvements at the same time as rebuilding the game from scratch. As a result of the decision we made, it was inevitable to move the resources within the HD game to FFXIV and new title releases have suffered for 2 to 3 years. "

Gee, Thanks square enix.  oh, and by the way, FUCK YOU! 

I don't think I've seen a company drop the ball so mightily EVER. does any other company out there feel like it's more disconnected from its fanbase?  

Guys,w e don't WANT Final Fantasy XIII-3, we don't WANT FFXIV to be online and it sucked so we don't care, move on.  we don't want all this stupid shit you've been giving us.  protip, morons: we want Kingdom Hearts 3 on PS3, we want Final Fantast vsXIII on PS3 (maybe Xbox...I don't care anymore as long as we fucking get it), and we want Final Fantast XV for whichever console that comes out for, preferably PS3.  focus on those three games and ignore all the other ones.  Seriously.  it is NOT hard.  Oh, and while you're at it, Remaster Final Fantasy VII.  I know it's cost intensive, but for fuck's sake you have no excuse not to; it would sell just as well, if not better than its original PS1 counterpart (the Final Fantasy brand has done nothing but grow since then and VII has gotten even more popular in the last 15 years).  I don't even care if you don't ADD anything to the game and just change the polygons and static backgrounds, just frikkin do it.

They have 4 projects they can do that'd be HUGE hits, and they've done nothing to reassure us that these projects have had ANY progress whatsoever.  and why?  so they can pool all their resources into a massive failure of a game that nobody wants even if it works.  

Fuck you, square enix.  Fuck you hard with a spiked rod. 

THis, Id like to add, they need to stop BSing on the FF Type-0 english version and get er done already. PSP, PSVita whatever just get it out here. Only thing out of that whole fablua novalis whateverthefuk that hasnt sucked (is it even part of that anymore