Salnax said:
Atlus being #1 makes sense. They have some hardcore fans. Disney and XSeed also make sense, since they're making the last big Wii games. T2 puzzles me, but Activision Blizzard has Starcraft and CoD on their side, which gave them a healthy boost. As for EA, they only had three votes, one of them a 5er for Dead Space 3. As for who lost, it also makes sense. Tecmo Koei and Sega are not releasing any huge games soon, Konami's efforts are divided across platforms and are largely derivative, and THQ just has had bad luck lately. |
Atlus and Xseed being so high didn't surprise me, as well as Take Two (GTA V), Disney only has 2 votes so meh, but EA did surprise me. Even more if you take into consideration how many bash them and Activision.
But what really caught me by surprise are Nintendo and Sony being so low, specially Sony given that The Last of Us came on top.
Please excuse my bad English.
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