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Kasz you also never answered my question as to what kind of critical thinking im supposed to employ when romney said the federal mandate could completely work on a national level, despite what he may have said after realizing he was going to be a political candidate. Thanks in advance.

Reading comprehension?

What he said then, and what he said now does not contradict with each other.

It's possible for there to be multiple ways to handle a situation.

Well... that and he never actually said that.

No offense, but please do some fact checking.  So i suppose really, the real critical thinking you should be using... it to not believe everything the DNC tells you in an attack add.. an instead, spend a good 5 minutes googling the full context, or at least... find a fact check website.   It's what I did before posting in here about what Obama said.


You haven't commented on it... so did you catch the post that showed the full citation of research of the only citation you were using for your point that Government helps GDP.  (IE that in fact, according to the research you cited government spending HURTS GDP when paid for.)