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Great work as usual Salnax.

Looking at this chart

Salnax said:

Publisher Appearances Points Votes Average
Nintendo 13 163 52 12.538
Sony 9 108 38 12
Square Enix 14 88 28 6.2857
Take-Two 11 59 17 5.3636
Ubisoft 7 58 20 8.2857
Microsoft 4 34 12 8.5
Namco Bandai 4 34 11 8.5
Capcom 5 28 9 5.6
Atlus 3 23 5 7.6667
Activision Blizzard 3 17 5 5.6667
Xseed 2 15 4 7.5
THQ 4 12 5 3
Konami 5 11 7 2.2
Electronic Arts 3 10 3 3.3333
Sega 5 10 5 2
Bethesda 3 9 3 3
Disney 1 9 2 9
Geeta 1 5 1 5
Focus Home 1 4 1 4
Ncsoft 1 4 1 4
Tecmo Koei 2 4 3 2
Level-5 1 2 1 2
Lace Mamba 1 1 1 1

Something has come to my mind: you give us the average points/appearences but which is the average points/votes?

Publisher Points Votes Average Points
Nintendo 163 52 3,134
Sony 108 38 2,842
Square Enix 88 28 3,143
Take-Two 59 17 3,470
Ubisoft 58 20 2,9
Microsoft 34 12 2,8333
Namco Bandai 34 11 3,091
Capcom 28 9 3,111
Atlus 23 5 4,6
Activision Blizzard 17 5 3,4
Xseed 15 4 3,75
THQ 12 5 2,4
Konami 11 7 1,571
Electronic Arts 10 3 3,333
Sega 10 5 2
Bethesda 9 3 3
Disney 9 2 4,5
Geeta 5 1 5
Focus Home 4 1 4
Ncsoft 4 1 4
Tecmo Koei 4 3 1,333
Level-5 2 1 2
Lace Mamba 1 1 1

Now, if we exclude the ones with only 1 vote, and put them in order we end up with

Publisher Points Votes Average Points
Atlus 23 5 4,6
Disney 9 2 4,5
Xseed 15 4 3,75
Take-Two 59 17 3,47058824
Activision Blizzard 17 5 3,4
Electronic Arts 10 3 3,33333333
Square Enix 88 28 3,14285714
Nintendo 163 52 3,13461538
Capcom 28 9 3,11111111
Namco Bandai 34 11 3,09090909
Bethesda 9 3 3
Ubisoft 58 20 2,9
Sony 108 38 2,84210526
Microsoft 34 12 2,83333333
THQ 12 5 2,4
Sega 10 5 2
Konami 11 7 1,57142857
Tecmo Koei 4 3 1,33333333

The winner is Atlus! Closely followed by Disney.

The rest of the top 5 is Xseed, Take Two and, surprisingly, EA.

What do you think?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.