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BlkPaladin said:
Snesboy said:
BlkPaladin said:

The thing is Nintendo doesn't "moneyhat" in the tradition sense of the word. They were burned the last time they spent a lot of money on a third party developer after that they shied away from giving any developer money instead started to lend out its licenses as an exchange for titles. So if they did do something like that we would see other games made by Capcom with Nintendo's license. Also they have been giving real nice incentives in the form of lower fees to make games on their console much like Sony did with the PSX.

For those who don't know the company was Square after Final Fantasy V, Nintendo sunk millions of dollars in the developer and hundreds of man hours to train their developers, they did receive VI and the Super Mario RPG from the exchange but Square midway into developing VI-2 left Nintendo development and went on to make VII for the PSX.

Final Fantasy VI-2? A sequel to FFVI?!

Yes it was in development before Square moved to Sony. I have only seen one screen of it. (I think it was in a print magazine, probally Game Informer.) And it was from a demo they were working on. It just showed Tera, Locke and Celes 3D models in battle formation. It was binned after the move and they used some of the framework, what they planned for "VI-2" for VII.

I actually remember seeing that too.  I cannot find any information on it any more though.

I'm not sure what you're saying is actually strictly true though, although I have nothing to back it up other than my own memory.  The way I remember it was that early on in VII's development, they were working on the engine and they modelled Tera (and two other characters, can't remember who, but Locke and Celes sounds right) in 3D to test how it was working.

I don't ever remember it being an actual VI-2, but perhaps I'm wrong.