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happydolphin said:

It still doesn't explain the rush though. If the deal with Nvidia fell through, then MS could delay the XB launch. Why patch that up by launching sooner than the damage repair called for?

I sense rose-tinted glasses.

I'm sorry Chris Hu, i've read most of the things that you posted, it explains things partially but I cannot get around this^. I just cannot see how MS gets out clean after such a decision.


slowmo said:

... decided they would go ahead and gamble on the hardware knowing they could fix any possible issue in future hardware spins.  It was the right corporate decision but in hindsight poor customer service.

Yeah but what I'm trying to say is that , consoles are not cars or any other products. they are hardware. and this market is exceptionally cruel. amd knows it. noone gets to gamble and gets away with it