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The one thing I would like to see Ninty do, is move into a completely different market - even to say, compete directly with Apple over iPod / music player sales.

The key for them is manufacturing - whatever they do, it can't compete/disturb their current manufacturing chains/products - that would be counter productive.

A simple iPos style (no screen? or iPod touch style?) device - purely as a media player. Something small, cheap, easy to make.

Make money off the 'Nintendo' name itself.

The other option is to release something like this as a "premium DS II" (or just a premium DS).

If they released a new, limited edition version of the DS - that was say, double the price - and had a heap of extra features (with double the margin) - it would be a huge seller.


But I guess their strength *is* software, and its more profitable really. If they can sell 10m units of Brawl this year, and say it cost 10m US to produce - Ninty would be making $25US / unit. Thats a juicy 230m profit - from one title.

If they can sell 200m units of software in a year (possible when there are 100m DS units + 40m Wii units in the market) - at a $20 margin each - thats a solid 4bn US.

Gesta Non Verba

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