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Username2324 said:
I'll tell you what's going to happen, the 360 will come in third, maybe topping 40 million (face it people, it had a full year start on the competition and MS wasted it, it's doomed). I would be surprised if the Wii broke 120 million, I think this generation will be much shorter for the Wii then most expect. 2008-2010 you will be seeing mass adoption of HDTV and HD Media something the Wii cannot do, so I will be surprised if it passes 120. (Here comes 100 people saying HD adoption is slow, WRONG) (Here come's the fanboy name calling) The PS3 however, did extremely well in its first year if you consider it had to go up against the Wii's momentum, and the 360's year ahead, as well as a high price point. Sony is making great strides to lower the cost of the PS3, and I can gaurantee another price cut before the year is out. Anyways the PS3 has the most technology in it to ensure a longer lifetime. The Cell still has great potential, and the Blu-ray drive will give it the longest lifetime. The PS3 has the most features to offer, and therefore it will be the raining king at the end of the generation, and will most likely live an end life similar to the PS2 (it will keep selling well after the next-gen consoles release).

1st. PS3, longest lifetime, most to offer.
2nd. Wii, affordable, a little exciting, but it will be shortlived (Nintendo should have tried to break the HD-barrier)
3rd. 360 MS screwed up big with rushing it to the market, with no innovation (Microsofts style).

Do you honestly believe what you just wrote?