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Am I the only one who don't want a mic (rhetorical question, I've had people answer me a lot on this one)? I don't really like talking to the people I play online. At least I had a bad experience with it when I played Halo 3 at my friend's place. That might be bad luck though.

Of course, a mic would be great for friend matches, but 3rd party would add it on random battles too, and I don't really want that.

Think about it. Playing SSBB and co-op with a guy online. You're mediocre. He starts yelling at you "Freaking Moron! You're doing everything wrong, Idiot!" is that really what gaming is today? Wow, saying that made me feel old. But anyway, I prefer to play Super Smash Bra. X in total silence.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS